
For decades, children have been treated like property in the family court system. Parental rights take priority over child safety.  Even with allegations (or findings) of abuse, children and teenagers are often forced into a relationship with a parent they've rejected. Family court professionals are pushing an agenda of “pro contact” at all costs, to the detriment of children.

A disturbing but lucrative industry has formed in the family court system with an emphasis on reunifying children with the rejected parent, despite the child’s resistance. In many of these cases, there is an extensive history of documented abuse, allegations of abuse or findings of abuse.

Protective parents find themselves in costly legal battles, desperate to protect their children but outnumbered by the “experts” who are profiting from this forced reunification. Even more concerning is the fact that these reunification treatments are considered experimental.

The experimental reunification treatments and legal fees are costly. Many parents report costs that exceed $100,000 in the first year while others have spent over $1,000,000 with no end in sight. The financial devastation is a common thread weaved through each of these family court cases with many protective parents finding themselves in extreme debt, losing homes, filing for bankruptcy, and liquidating retirement accounts.

What happens when these children age out of the system?

Their childhoods are documented by extensive court files and they are left to unpack a lifetime of trauma. The children are coming - their heartbreaking stories will be the catalyst for change. It is our goal to bring these young adults together and amplify their collective voices. 


Tell Us Your Story

Are you a teenager or young adult with a story we should hear? Click "submit your story” and tell us about your experience in the family court system. Submissions are confidential, we will not share your story without your written permission. We value your privacy and look forward to connecting.